Security News > 2024 > July > Only 13% of organizations are cyber mature

Only 13% of organizations are cyber mature
2024-07-04 03:00

In assessing the results, only 13% of respondents were categorized as cyber mature.

Cyber mature organizations, those that have deployed at least four of the five resiliency markers, recovered 41% faster than respondents with only zero or one marker.

Overall, cyber mature organizations report experiencing fewer breaches compared with companies that have less than four markers.

54% of cyber mature organizations were completely confident in their ability to recover from a breach, compared to only 33% of less prepared organizations.

70% of cyber mature organizations tested their recovery plans quarterly, compared to 43% of organizations with only zero or one maturity marker, that tested with this same frequency.

Without testing in a real-world scenario, organizations have no way to know how their cyber recovery plans will perform.

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