Security News > 2024 > February > CVEMap: Open-source tool to query, browse and search CVEs

CVEMap: Open-source tool to query, browse and search CVEs
2024-02-01 05:00

CVEMap is an open-source command-line interface tool that allows you to explore Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

Security experts, who must be constantly alert to thwart adversaries seeking any vulnerability, are distracted by the sheer volume of CVEs.

Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog: Managed by CISA, this catalog lists actively exploited vulnerabilities and crucial deadlines, aiding in prioritizing urgent threats.

Exploit Prediction Scoring System: This model predicts the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited, providing a probability score and incorporating real-world data, which goes beyond traditional focus on vulnerability characteristics.

Nuclei Templates: A community-curated list of templates for the Nuclei engine to identify vulnerabilities, along with a reliable set of PoCs for easy testing and retesting of vulnerabilities at scale.

"The unique features that make CVEMap stand out are the visualization of multiple data points in a single view, the ability to filter CVEs based on any data point, and CVE to HackerOne reports mapping. In the future, we want to add more data points and use these different data points for CVE prioritization," Sandeep Singh, CTO at, told Help Net Security.

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