Security News > 2024 > January > APIs are increasingly becoming attractive targets

APIs are increasingly becoming attractive targets
2024-01-11 04:00

APIs power the digital world-our phones, smartwatches, banking systems and shopping sites all rely on APIs to communicate.

The seamless integrations that APIs allow for have driven organizations across industries to increasingly leverage them - some more quickly than others.

APIs dominate dynamic Internet traffic around the globe, with each region that Cloudflare protects seeing an increase in usage over the past year.

The rise in popularity of APIs has also caused a rise in attack volume, with HTTP Anomaly, Injection attacks and file inclusion being the top three most commonly used attack types mitigated by Cloudflare.

Shadow APIs provide a defenseless path for threat actors.

Nearly 31% more API REST endpoints were discovered through machine learning versus customer-provided identifiers - e.g., organizations lack a full inventory of their APIs.

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