Security News > 2023 > November > Why it’s the perfect time to reflect on your software update policy

Why it’s the perfect time to reflect on your software update policy
2023-11-27 05:00

It's time for all organizations to examine and potentially recalibrate their software update policies.

This article delves into the why and how of this necessary introspection, aiming to provide a comprehensive guide to developing a robust software update policy fit for the modern workplace.

Apple's move to decouple their most time-sensitive security patches from full-scale updates via Rapid Security Response mechanisms is a signal that traditional update cycles are no longer sufficient.

Crafting a robust software update policy: A step-by-step guide Pre-work phase.

The foundation of a sound software update policy begins with thorough pre-work.

Once security teams are confident that the update will not impact business operations, they can start pushing the update to the remaining devices.

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