Security News > 2023 > November > Crashing iPhones with a Flipper Zero

The Flipper Zero is an incredibly versatile hacking device.
Now it can be used to in its vicinity by sending it a never-ending stream of pop-ups.
These types of hacks have been possible for decades, but they require special equipment and a fair amount of expertise.
The capabilities generally required expensive SDRsshort for software-defined radiosthat, unlike traditional hardware-defined radios, use firmware and processors to digitally re-create radio signal transmissions and receptions.
The $200 Flipper Zero isn't an SDR in its own right, but as a software-controlled radio, it can do many of the same things at an affordable price and with a form factor that's much more convenient than the previous generations of SDRs. Posted on November 6, 2023 at 9:45 AM 0 Comments.
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