Security News > 2023 > August > Chinese media teases imminent exposé of seismic US spying scheme

Chinese media teases imminent exposé of seismic US spying scheme
2023-08-15 01:57

China's Global Times, a state-controlled media outlet, has teased an imminent exposé of alleged US attacks on seismic data measurement stations.

The statements from China are objective and professional.

This is inherently different from the accusation and smear against China from the US. The US government is engaged in malicious cyber operations against not just China but countries around the world, while blaming China for so-called "Hacking attacks." This is textbook double standards and political manipulation.

The report restates China's position that the US is a "Hacker empire" - a term used in May 2023 when the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center of China and local infosec outfit 360 Total Security published the first volume of a work dedicated to detailing the extent of US infosec operations.

China now appears set to add its own account of US activities to the public record.

We're often offered details of how China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran go about their cyber business, but learning a little about US tradecraft may be illuminating.

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