Security News > 2023 > August > Understanding Active Directory Attack Paths to Improve Security

Understanding Active Directory Attack Paths to Improve Security
2023-08-08 09:48

In 2022, our in-house research found that 73% of the top attack techniques used in the compromising of critical assets involved mismanaged or stolen credentials - and more than half of the attacks in organizations include some element of Active Directory compromise.

So now let's take a look into the anatomy of 3 actual Active Directory attack paths and see how attackers made their way through this environment.

Once they saw this, they finally understood their Active Directory security approach needed to level-up so they locked down and hardened their security practices.

The attacker then had the permissions to add themselves to a group so they could add the compromised Active Directory user to an Active Directory helpdesk group.

By understanding these actual real-world attack paths, organizations can start to see what their Active Directory and AD Azure environments look like from the attacker's point of view.

By getting a comprehensive view of the attack paths that exist in Active Directory across on-prem and cloud environments, organizations can learn how attackers move laterally with a context-based understanding of their environment - giving them visibility into how issues can combine to facilitate attacks and impersonate users, escalate privileges, and gain access to cloud environments.

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