Security News > 2023 > August > 67% of data breaches start with a single click

67% of data breaches start with a single click
2023-08-02 04:00

"Technology is accelerating at a breakneck pace - bringing sophisticated new tools to both attackers and defenders. And although attacker tools are evolving, social engineering continues to be the leading tactic used to breach corporate networks," said Noopur Davis, EVP, Chief Information Security and Product Privacy Officer, Comcast Corporation and Comcast Cable.

The report leverages data from 23.5 billion cybersecurity attacks, spanning 500 threat types and 900 distinct infrastructure and software vulnerabilities.

Research has shown that today, approximately 67% of all breaches start with someone clicking on a seemingly safe link, which explains why adversaries begin 80-95% of all attacks with a phish.

Attackers do their homework to uncover vulnerabilities, like open ports and misconfigured systems, as evidenced by the 242 million reconnaissance scans of customer networks and assets.

Once inside a network, adversaries made 2.6 million attempts to modify or create new firewall rules to establish external communications for command-and-control operations and data exfiltration.

These attacks aimed to disrupt critical database servers and network resources, with over 210 million instances of denial-of-service attacks recorded.

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