Security News > 2023 > July > What would sustainable security even look like?

If one good shot can blow an organization open, where's the money going? More pertinently, why don't more people care?
If that's politically acceptable in climate policy while large parts of the world are literally burning during the hottest month on record, where will the political will come from to fixing the much more abstruse problems with cybersecurity?
De-zero-pay-daying by removing single points of failure is much harder to even think about, if we continue to think in silos.
It's also easy to see why open source, in theory immune from commercial pressures to pervert security engineering, may also be immune to the sort of industry-wide discipline and focus needed to make sustainable security work.
There's no model of optimal data safety in contemporary IT, nor even a sniff of one.
It's no wonder that the infrastructure and security industry, left to its own devices, does little better than the carbon czars' execrable "Blue hydrogen" and "Clean coal." It is in any established industry's interests to draw attention away from effective alternatives, no matter how necessary.
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