Security News > 2023 > July > JumpCloud resets admin API keys amid ‘ongoing incident’

JumpCloud resets admin API keys amid ‘ongoing incident’
2023-07-06 10:23

As a caution, the company has invalidated existing admin API keys to protect its customer organizations.

The reader in question is among JumpCloud customers who received an email today from the firm stating that existing admin API keys had been invalidated while JumpCloud investigates an "Ongoing incident."

"Out of an abundance of caution relating to an ongoing incident, JumpCloud has invalidated your existing API keys. We have done this to protect your organization and operations." reads the email notification, aimed at JumpCloud Admins.

The cloud-based security service has asked affected customers, specifically Admins who are "Currently using their API key or an integration that relies on a JumpCloud admin API key" to generate a new API key(s) and update integrations with the new API keys.

"Once an Admin's API Key is invalidated, that API key associated to that Admin will no longer work. This will impact any of the following," states a security notice.

Automations and custom applications, and any other use cases that involve an Administrators JumpCloud API key.

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