Security News > 2023 > June > Google’s ChromeOS aims for enterprise with security and compatibility

Google’s ChromeOS aims for enterprise with security and compatibility
2023-06-12 21:23

During the Google I/O event last month, the global tech giant showed off new elements of ChromeOS, focused on security, ecosystem and user experience, as well as benefits of the Chrome Enterprise Connectors Framework⁠.

The framework lets organizations integrate vendors, including security providers, with the Chrome browser and ChromeOS using APIs and "Connectors" - with the goal of making it easier for organizations to control who has access to data.

Thomas Riedl, product director and head of ChromeOS Enterprise and Education, spoke to TechRepublic about ChromeOS, its security posture and growth strategy, including ChromeOS devices' presence in enterprises.

We very much designed ChromeOS for the world Google was building and investing in.

TR: How is the security model for ChromeOS unique from other operating systems?

Riedl: In ChromeOS we've taken a very different approach: We ship an update to the operating system every four weeks; that binary block comes from us and we do all the work- it's done seamlessly in the background so the user can continue to be productive and not look at a spinning wheel for 45 minutes.

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