Security News > 2023 > May > 1Password explains scary Secret Key and password change alerts

1Password explains scary Secret Key and password change alerts
2023-05-02 20:29

1Password says a recent incident that caused customers to receive notifications about changed passwords was the result of service disruption and not a security breach.

The company first revealed in an incident report five days ago that the notifications were erroneous and linked to routine database maintenance scheduled on Thursday, April 27th. Today, 1Password chief technology officer Pedro Canahuati provided more details and said the customers' information was unaffected.

"The client applications displayed an incorrect message stating: Your Secret Key or password was recently changed. Enter your new account details to continue."

The client applications interpreted the error code sent from the servers incorrectly and displayed the incorrect password change alerts on customers' devices in the United States region.

At the time, 1Password team members directed affected customers to contact the company's support team to provide more details so the issue could be further investigated.

Canahuati added today that 1Password would use the data collected during last week's incident to understand the root cause and improve database migration processes and error handling.

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