Security News > 2023 > April > LimeRAT Malware Analysis: Extracting the Config

LimeRAT Malware Analysis: Extracting the Config
2023-04-27 11:45

Interestingly, LimeRAT shares similarities with njRAT, which ANY.RUN ranks as the third most popular malware family in terms of uploads during Q1 2023.

ANY.RUN researchers have recently conducted an in-depth analysis of a LimeRAT sample and successfully extracted its configuration.

ANY.RUN is an interactive cloud malware sandbox that can extract malware configs automatically for numerous families, saving researchers hours of effort.

The service is celebrating its 7th anniversary and inviting all researchers to try out advanced analysis features typically reserved for pro plans, completely free until May 5th. This includes configuring the execution environment with Windows 8, 10, or 11.

Closer examination of the code revealed a class resembling the malware configuration.

We hope you found this brief overview of our LimeRAT configuration decryption process insightful.

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