Security News > 2023 > April > Prioritize what matters most

Prioritize what matters most
2023-04-19 09:34

Webinar There's nothing complicated about the statistics released in Sysdig's latest report.

They're alarming and should keep many an IT team up at night.

The 2023 Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report is based on real-world, real-time data and it finds that 87 percent of container images have high or critical vulnerabilities, and 90 percent of permissions are unused.

The scale of that risk makes it vitally important an organization can prioritise unpatched vulnerabilities that create in-use exposure.

They also need to be able to trim excess permissions and repair misconfigurations.

Our latest webinar on 26 April 11am BST/6am EDT/3am PDT sees The Register's Tim Phillips and Sysdig's Chris Kranz dig deeper into these frightening statistics on cloud and container security.

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