Security News > 2023 > April > Zelle users targeted with social engineering tricks

Zelle users targeted with social engineering tricks
2023-04-14 08:09

The spoofed email is cleverly crafted to look as legitimate as possible: it contains the Zelle logo, grammatically correct text, and an authentic link to the firm's web page at the bottom of the email, in the "Security and privacy" footer.

What distinguishes this malicious email from legitimate ones is the sender's email address, which is obviously not related to Zelle.

Many users don't check the sender's email address and may fall for the scam.

Users should always be careful when perusing unsolicited emails, and always verify the sender's email address.

If the email is not from a company's domain, it's probably a scam.

To make sure the domain is legitimate, users should inspect the domain at the end of the email string.

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