Security News > 2023 > April > 5 steps to building NSA-level access control for your app

5 steps to building NSA-level access control for your app
2023-04-13 04:00

Access control has become a main concern when it comes to developing secure web applications, and the NSA has a lot to say about it.

In this article, we will focus and elaborate on the best practices offered by the NSA for building secure access management, and how they can be implemented at the application level.

Access management: Authorizing and controlling access to resources based on a user's identity and permissions, enforcing policies and controls to manage access to those resources.

Access control frameworks provide access decisions at various levels of granularity, with more advanced systems being able to support a higher level of granularity.

The best practices emphasize, first and foremost, the use of an Attribute-based access control model, which provides the required flexibility to meet our access management goals.

One of the first and most basic steps in enhancing your access control is mapping out your application's requirements to determine what user and resource attributes it requires.

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