Security News > 2023 > April > The Service Accounts Challenge: Can't See or Secure Them Until It's Too Late

The Service Accounts Challenge: Can't See or Secure Them Until It's Too Late
2023-04-12 11:50

In this article, we unfold the reasons that have caused service accounts to become one of the most dangerous weaknesses in an Active Directory environment, explain how this weakness power fuels ransomware attacks, and finally, get to know how Silverfort's unified identity protection platform enables organizations to overcome what was until now an insolvable security challenge.

High access privileges: Since service accounts are created for machine-to-machine communication, it goes without saying that they must possess the required privileges to access all these machines, meaning that they are an administrative user, no different than any IT admin.

Any password rotation would invalidate the password in the scripts, preventing the service account from accessing its target resource, and subsequently break any process that relies on the service accounts' task.

Check out this eBook to discover 4 simple steps to help keep your service accounts secure.

Service Account Attack Example #2: Lateral Movement in Uber's Hybrid Environment #. The famous attack on Uber that took place a few months ago incorporated a significant use of compromise and use of service account.

Silverfort's native integration with Active Directory enables it to analyze every incoming authentication and access attempt of all user accounts, and easily detect if an account features the predictable and repetitive behavior that differentiates service accounts from standard users.

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