Security News > 2023 > April > When it comes to technology, securing your future means securing your present

When it comes to technology, securing your future means securing your present
2023-04-10 13:58

Separate Dell Global Data Protection Index research referenced by Keegan and conducted by Vanson Bourne indicates that 56 percent of organizations are not confident that they are able to meet their backup and recovery service level objectives for example, while over two thirds are concerned that their existing data protection measures are sufficient to cope with malware and ransomware threats.

Keegan points to the key findings of the Dell Global Data Protection Index 2022 report: "Those using a single data protection vendor had far fewer incidents of data loss than those using multiple vendors. Likewise, the cost of data loss incidents resulting from a cyberattack was approximately 34 per cent higher for those organizations working with multiple data protection vendors than those using a single vendor."

The research suggests there may be a "Pressing need" for organizations to simplify and modernize how they manage, protect, and secure critical workloads and data.

Dell's approach, says Keegan, is to implement a common set of tools which can be deployed across cloud integrated hardware solutions, software-defined appliances, and software-as-a-service offerings, "To deliver a consistent data protection experience anywhere data and workloads reside."

In practice, that means Dell's resilient, multi-cloud data protection solutions - which include PowerProtect and Apex data protection technology and services - can be deployed on integrated appliances or as a software-defined platform.

In the current volatile environment, cutting necessary spend on security and data protection is not an option.

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