Security News > 2023 > April > Russia has a stash of scary malware? We're shocked

Russia has a stash of scary malware? We're shocked
2023-04-06 13:01

Register Kettle Lately, we've learned of Russia's stockpile of cyber-weapons, and we're genuinely wondering if anyone's surprised by these revelations.

Those documents included evidence of Western snoops overstepping legal boundaries.

Now a whistleblower has done something kinda similar, obtaining and leaking the so-called Vulkan files detailing the Kremlin's arsenal of destructive malware.

This code has been linked to the infamous NotPetya outbreak and other attacks.

Is this a shock? What are we supposed to with this information? A bunch of us El Reg vultures flocked together to discuss it all for this week's Register Kettle podcast, which you can watch below.

The power grid in Ukraine partially fell to a malware infection in 2016, with Putin fingered for it, and Russia has form, so to speak, in related disruptions.

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