Security News > 2023 > April > Think Before You Share the Link: SaaS in the Real World

Think Before You Share the Link: SaaS in the Real World
2023-04-04 09:54

There are essentially two ways to share files and documents out of a SaaS application, although the terminology used by M365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, and Box is slightly different.

Sharing a file with anyone who has the link is much less cumbersome.

As tempting as it is to share the link freely, doing so primes the document to being leaked.

There is no controlling what happens to the file once the link is shared, and users can access the file from any account.

The data contained in SaaS apps lives on the cloud, but it doesn't need to be exposed to anyone with a link.

As the link sharer, it is impossible to know the hygiene of the recipient's device, whether they will share the link with others, or even whether they provide others with access to their email account.

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