Security News > 2023 > March > The End-User Password Mistakes Putting Your Organization at Risk

The End-User Password Mistakes Putting Your Organization at Risk
2023-03-28 14:07

Passwords can be insecure in other ways, such as reusing the same password across multiple sites, sharing a password with co-workers, or even remembering a password on a public computer.

Avoid Password Sharing & Password Reuse - A unique password for each site and application, without sharing, ensures that a stolen password elsewhere won't compromise an organization.

Verify Passwords aren't on Breached Password Lists - Before accepting a password creation or change, systems should consult the most up-to-date breached password lists and alert users if the password is deemed insecure.

The recent Weak Password Report uncovered that 83% of compromised passwords satisfy the password length and complexity requirements of regulatory password standards.

Specops Password Policy boosts the standard Microsoft Active Directory password policies with compliance-oriented templates, comprehensive password creation rules, and breached password protection that allows you to block over 3 billion compromised passwords.

With the real-time end user feedback, users can see what is required in password creation as well.

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