Security News > 2021 > December > Credit card info of 1.8 million people stolen from sports gear sites

Credit card info of 1.8 million people stolen from sports gear sites
2021-12-17 19:06

Four affiliated online sports gear sites have disclosed a cyberattack where threat actors stole credit cards for 1,813,224 customers.

While not much is known about the attack, a law firm representing the four websites stated that personal information and credit card information, including full CVV, were stolen on October 1st, 2021.

The sites first learned of the breach on October 15th, and after an investigation, confirmed on November 29th the customers that had their payment information stolen.

As the description states, "External system breach," this appears close to be a database breach rather than the implantation of card skimmers on the websites, although both scenarios are likely.

Whatever the case is, if you have purchased anything from these four websites, you should treat incoming communications with vigilance, monitor your bank account and credit card statements, and report any suspicious transactions immediately.

"Upon becoming aware of the incident, Tackle Warehouse took the measures referenced above. We also reported the incident to the payment card brands in an attempt to prevent fraudulent activity on the affected accounts," reads Tackle's notification letter to customers.

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