Security News > 2021 > December > Firefox update brings a whole new sort of security sandbox

Firefox update brings a whole new sort of security sandbox
2021-12-07 19:14

Today's a Firefox Tuesday, when the latest version of Mozilla's browser comes out, complete with all the security updates that have been merged into the product since the previous release.

Note that on Linux and some Unixen, Firefox might be delivered as part of your distro, so check there for the latest version if Firefox doesn't offer to update itself.

The big change in Firefox 95.0 is the introduction of a new sandboxing system, developed in academia and known as RLBox.

Dylib on macOS. Shared libraries, for example to render a specific sort of font or to play a specific sort of sound file, are designed to run "In-process".

Your code still needs changing to let RLBox intervene in how data is passed back and forth between the main application and its shared-library subroutines, but the amount of upheaval in adding these security checks is, at least if the RLBox team and the Firefox developers are to believed, comparatively modest and easy to get right.

If all goes well, RLBoxed handling of XML files and WOFF fonts will follow in Firefox 96.0.

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