Security News > 2021 > December > Cryptominers aren't just a headache – they're a big neon sign that Bad Things are on your network

Cryptominer malware removal is a routine piece of the cybersecurity landscape these days.
If criminals are hijacking your compute cycles to mine cryptocurrencies, chances are there's something worse lurking on your network too.
So warned Sophos threat researcher Sean Gallagher, in a recent interview with The Register as the antivirus organisation launches a report into the Tor2Mine cryptominer.
The cryptominer spreads through exploitations of remote code execution bugs, said Sophos, though the malware itself also steals Windows credentials before trying to spread laterally through a host network.
Some of its C2 infrastructure has died - but that hasn't stopped the cryptominer from causing a headache.
"Gallagher concluded:"If you have a miner on your network, especially a server based miner, it's not just a sign that you had somebody click on something and you've got a miner on your network.