Security News > 2021 > December > Eurostar tests facial recognition system on London train station

Eurostar tests facial recognition system on London train station
2021-12-06 19:25

Eurostar is testing a new biometric facial recognition technology on passengers traveling from London's St Pancras International station to continental Europe.

The system will involve two facial scans, one at the ticket gate to verify the ticket check and one at the UK Exit Checkpoint, to confirm that the passport information is valid.

Eurostar announced its intention to introduce a facial recognition system to replace physical tickets and passport checks last year, and facial recognition company iProov helped them build it.

In the UK, the case of facial recognition is somewhat mixed.

Moscow was the first city to fully roll out facial recognition on its train station networks, launching the so-called 'Face Pay' service on all its 240 metro stations in October 2021.

The situation is the same in the U.S., with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement extensively using facial recognition systems on all entry points, and the Federal government planning to expand the deployment of the tech wherever it's deemed appropriate.

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