Security News > 2021 > November > Here are the new Emotet spam campaigns hitting mailboxes worldwide

Here are the new Emotet spam campaigns hitting mailboxes worldwide
2021-11-16 23:07

The Emotet malware kicked into action yesterday after a ten-month hiatus with multiple spam campaigns delivering malicious documents to mailboxes worldwide.

Emotet is a malware infection that is distributed through spam campaigns with malicious attachments.

Last night, cybersecurity researcher Brad Duncan published a SANS Handler Diary on how the Emotet botnet had begun spamming multiple email campaigns to infect devices with the Emotet malware.

There are currently two different malicious documents being distributed in the new Emotet spam campaigns.

The Emotet malware will now silently remain running in the background while waiting for commands to execute from its command and control server.

The return of Emotet is a significant event that all network admins, security professionals, and Windows admins must monitor for new developments.

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