Security News > 2021 > November > Threat from Organized Cybercrime Syndicates Is Rising

Threat from Organized Cybercrime Syndicates Is Rising
2021-11-13 00:46

The latest organized crime threat assessment from Europol issues a dire warning about the corrosive effect the rising influence of criminal syndicates is having on both the economy and society of the European Union.

"The online environment and online trade provide criminals access to expertise and sophisticated tools enabling criminal activities," The Europol Threat Assessment said.

"Virtually all criminal activities now feature some online components, such as digital solutions facilitating criminal communications."

"The surface web and the dark web are exploited by criminals who offer all types of illicit commodities and most illegal services online," Europol said.

"Cybercrime services can be purchased by paying a user fee, a rental fee or a percentage of the criminal profits," Europol explained.

Other kinds of cybercrimes lining the pockets of organized criminals include Business Email Compromise, SIM swapping, phishing and cashless payment fraud, the report explained.

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