Security News > 2021 > October > Winter is Coming for CentOS 8

Winter is Coming for CentOS 8
2021-10-29 04:06

With CentOS 8 coming out in September 2019, it gave enterprise users a long time frame to test and switch to CentOS 8.

Some CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 users moved quickly and adopted CentOS 8, but these users were in for a surprise.

When CentOS 8 was released, the CentOS project promised that it would continue to support CentOS 8 for about ten years officially - just like it did for CentOS 7.

Red Hat isn't discontinuing the CentOS Project altogether - CentOS will continue to exist in the form of CentOS Stream, which will always be one step ahead of the latest RHEL release.

TuxCare has committed to providing extended maintenance support for CentOS 8 through 2025 - giving you several more years to make a decision about your CentOS 8 workloads, instead of just four months.

Act now and secure your CentOS 8 workload. CentOS 8 maintenance support is ending, and it ends soon.

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