Security News > 2021 > October > Before and After a Pen Test: Steps to Get Through It

Before and After a Pen Test: Steps to Get Through It
2021-10-21 10:52

While it is good with a pen test to test against your production infrastructure to ensure all potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities are found, it is also good to establish boundaries.

The company carrying out the pen test will generally gather information needed for the pen test.

Analysis and report - Pen testers will usually deliver an analysis of the pen test results, ranking the criticality of any vulnerabilities found.

Steps to take after a penetration test1 - Consider and review the pen test results.

As many compliance regulations require proof of penetration testing, the delivery of the pen test report provides the documentation needed for compliance audits if requested.

Scheduling regular pen tests of the environment allow gaining visibility to new exploits or new findings that may not have existed when the last pen test was performed.

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