Security News > 2021 > September > How Outlook “autodiscover” could leak your passwords – and how to stop it

Microsoft's autodiscover process can include numerous different steps, as explained in its own Autodiscover documentation, and different apps may use slightly different variants on the Microsoft's central theme.
The researchers claim that over the next four months, they collected more than 1,000,000 unsolicited and unexpected autodiscover requests, of which a significant minority included authentication tokens or plaintext passwords that could, in theory, give access to the leaked accounts.
Clearly, for most companies with Outlook clients trying to autodiscover Exchange servers on the corporate network, this sort of data leakage can be considered unusual, given that all the internal locations where the autodiscover data would usually be found would need to fail first, leaving only the under-the-control-of-someone-else domains left to receive the request.
Click on Disable Autodiscover, choose [Enable] and turn on Exclude the query for the AutoDiscover domain.
The bad news is that, even after setting the excludehttpsautodiscoverdomain option, we nevertheless observed Outlook 2016 trying to locate autodiscover.
Test, we were unable to get Outlook to try autodiscover.