Security News > 2021 > September > Most Fortune 500 companies’ external IT infrastructure considered at risk

Nearly three quarters of Fortune 500 companies' IT infrastructure exists outside their organization, a quarter of which was found to have a known vulnerability that threat actors could infiltrate to access sensitive employee or customer data, a Cyberpion research reveals.
73% of Fortune 500 companies' total IT infrastructure is external to the organization, of which 24% is considered at risk or has a known vulnerability.
The total IT infrastructure includes the IT assets that are owned and operated by vendors the Fortune 500 enterprises incorporated into their online footprint.
71% of total cloud-based IT assets are external to the organization, of which 25% failed at least one security test.
On average, a Fortune 500 company's infrastructure contains 126 different login pages for either customer or employee portals or services - the highest number was over 3,000.
Fortune 500 organizations connect to an average of 951 cloud assets, of which nearly 5% are vulnerable to severe abuse.
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