Security News > 2021 > September > The State of Incident Response: Measuring Risk and Evaluating Your Preparedness

The State of Incident Response: Measuring Risk and Evaluating Your Preparedness
2021-09-03 16:15

The coronavirus pandemic presented the perfect opportunity for security teams to evaluate the state of their incident-response process.

According to a survey conducted by Red Canary, Kroll and VMware in partnership with Wakefield Research, 45 percent of security leaders said their security spending will either stay the same, if not decrease over the next twelve months.

As a result, security teams will lack the necessary resources to combat threats and will be required to provide a better security defense in a changing threat landscape.

Even with expansive security budgets and tooling, incident response can go off the rails without a practiced process.

If the three Ls of real estate are "Location, Location, Location" - the three Ps of incident response are "Prepare, Prepare, Prepare." Minutes matter with incident response, so building an incident-response plan and regularly practicing it across the highest levels of your organization directly relates to better outcomes in the event of an actual breach.

Forty-two percent of security leaders in the survey admit to their firm lacking organization-wide support to deal with cybersecurity incidents, 41 percent believe their leadership doesn't understand the initiatives, and another 42 percent think their security program only meets the minimum requirements necessary.

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