Security News > 2021 > September > Managed edge services revenues to reach $445.3 million in 2021

Managed edge services revenues to reach $445.3 million in 2021
2021-09-03 03:00

Managed edge services promises to be a high-growth market as enterprises look to low-latency edge services to address process efficiencies, support new consumer applications, comply with data sovereignty, and deal with security threats.

According to a forecast from IDC, worldwide revenues for managed edge services will reach $445.3 million in 2021, an increase of 43.5% over 2020.

"Managed edge services represent a significant monetization opportunity for service providers to capitalize on their investment in edge compute," says Ghassan Abdo, research VP, Worldwide Telecom, Virtualization, and CDN, IDC. "At the same time, service providers are keenly aware of the potential impact of the edge on their current market position and are watching closely for unforeseen competition from adjacent markets and new disruptors."

Three primary deployment models for managed edge services On-premises deployment: This represents managed edge use cases where the edge compute infrastructure is deployed at the enterprises' premises, also referred to as private deployment.

Service provider edge deployment: This represents managed edge services provided by edge compute deployed at the provider edge, both fixed and mobile.

CDN edge deployment: This represents managed edge services provided by edge compute deployed at the CDN POPs or edge locations.

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