Security News > 2021 > August > A remedial approach to destructive IoT hacks

With greater awareness and complete visibility into every connected device, organizations can create a full inventory of IoT devices with all the information required to maintain them.
Default passwords allow attackers to take over IoT devices as easy access points into the network.
Many organizations turn to segmentation, a legacy approach to IoT device security, quarantining devices on a separate network and keeping insecure devices away from anything important, but this is no longer enough.
Segmentation is a temporary solution, but inoculation and remediation technologies fix problems rather than triaging them - ensuring that IoT devices are compliant with the same policies traditional endpoints are expected to meet for optimal security.
With the mass scale of IoT devices and the opportunities to strike in every office and facility, automated identification, and inventory of each device so that security teams can understand how it communicates with other devices, systems and applications, and which people have access to it is crucial.
On top of that, implementing a centralized IoT security tool lets organizations enforce consistent security, better manage IoT devices across their lifecycles and reduce IoT risk.
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