Security News > 2021 > August > Moving toward a reality where breaches are not a given
Seventy percent estimate their high-value assets have been compromised in the past 12 months, and fifty percent believe there will be a cyber 9/11 in the next 10 years.
The study - underwritten by INTEGRITY Global Security - found that 93 percent of leaders believe it is possible to build zero vulnerability platforms.
Today, 61 percent of cyber decision makers report their organization focuses most cyber resources on detection, confinement, or remediation, 39 percent say their primary focus is on prevention.
"Cyber leaders are underwater, but it is possible that we can move toward a reality where breaches are not a given," said Jimmy Sorrells, President, INTEGRITY Global Security.
Prioritizing platform security a key step toward breach prevention.
Eighty-nine percent of respondents say further prioritizing platform security is a key step toward breach prevention.
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