Security News > 2021 > July > Cryptomathic and UTIMACO deliver QES solution for banks, governments and trust service providers

Cryptomathic and UTIMACO deliver QES solution for banks, governments and trust service providers
2021-07-27 23:25

Cryptomathic and UTIMACO have unveiled a joint Qualified Electronic Signature solution with an advanced security model designed to accelerate digital transformation in banks, governments and other trusted service providers.

"Stefan Auerbach, CEO, UTIMACO, comments:"We are delighted that Cryptomathic and UTIMACO continue to deliver fully approved eIDAS solutions to our clients.

Cryptomathic and UTIMACO were founding contributors to the initial eIDAS regulation working groups that were formed to deliver the eIDAS regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions.

"This latest solution offered by Cryptomathic and UTIMACO offers the highest level of certification which is EAL4+ AVA VAN.5. Together we are affording our joint clients the highest level of assurance and authenticity available for electronic signatures."

The joint solution is available immediately via a choice of deployment options ranging from on premise to a fully outsourced managed service.

Customers across Europe and beyond are already implementing and going live with the solution at the AdES or QES level.

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