Security News > 2021 > July > ShiftLeft Educate provides consistent and contextual training for developers of different skill levels

ShiftLeft Educate provides consistent and contextual training for developers of different skill levels
2021-07-19 02:30

ShiftLeft announced general availability of ShiftLeft Educate, a solution that delivers highly-effective security training for developers within the developer workflow.

Designed in partnership with Application Security Training platform Kontra, ShiftLeft Educate provides consistent and contextual training for developers of different skill levels, enabling them to quickly learn security best practices and fixes for issues currently in their code.

"The security training we've created with ShiftLeft Educate clearly presents vulnerabilities and solutions at the developer's fingertips while still being suited to different learning styles, making it exceptionally efficient and effective."

ShiftLeft Educate is integrated directly into ShiftLeft CORE code security platform.

When a vulnerability is discovered in ShiftLeft's analysis, ShiftLeft Educate delivers bite-sized security training without requiring developers to seek out external resources to learn about the vulnerability.

"We firmly believe in shifting left to ensure our codebase is secure from the start and are making it a formal part of our AppSec developer training program. ShiftLeft Educate is helping our engineering staff to learn and apply security best practices to write more secure code from the outset."

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