Security News > 2021 > July > The rise of the Developer Experience Engineer, and why it matters

The rise of the Developer Experience Engineer, and why it matters
2021-07-16 05:00

Engineering teams need a leader, a Developer Experience Engineer, who ensures developers have the right tools, processes, and environment to maximize productivity and create the greatest business value possible.

The role of the Developer Experience Engineer becomes ever more important to create efficiencies and shared practices between ambitious and energized teams.

How do you know your team needs a Developer Experience leader?

It's not easy to give a definitive rule as to when the enterprise needs a Developer Experience Engineer - companies have different engineering numbers, skills, experiences, tooling, and processing.

As the team grows, and the developer becomes a more critical role in every organization, there is a significant benefit in formalizing the Developer Experience role and consistency in creating and realizing value - as well as properly recognizing the role.

Organizations have tried to solve the issue of developer experience in a variety of ways for decades, but it's never been more important than now as software has become the dominant force behind every aspect of the economy.

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