Security News > 2021 > July > Google Chrome will add HTTPS-First Mode to keep your data safe

Google Chrome will add HTTPS-First Mode to keep your data safe
2021-07-14 17:00

"Beginning in M94, Chrome will offer HTTPS-First Mode, which will attempt to upgrade all page loads to HTTPS and display a full-page warning before loading sites that don't support it." Google said.

"Users who enable this mode gain confidence that Chrome is connecting them to sites over HTTPS whenever possible, and that they will see a warning before connecting to sites over HTTP.".

By upgrading all connections to websites to HTTPS, Google Chrome 94 will protect users from man-in-the-middle attacks trying to snoop on or alter data exchanged with Internet servers over the unencrypted HTTP protocol.

Google is not the first web browser vendor to consider, including automatically upgrading all navigation to HTTPS. For instance, Mozilla added an HTTPS-Only Mode starting with Firefox 83 to secure web browsing by rewriting URLs to use the HTTPS protocol.

Microsoft Edge now can also be set up to switch users to secure HTTPS connections when connecting to websites over HTTP after enabling a new experimental Automatic HTTPS option available in the Canary and Developer preview channels, with an estimated release later this month.

"While we are excited to see users adopt HTTPS-First Mode in future versions of Chrome, HTTP connections will still continue to be supported and Chrome will take additional steps to protect and inform users whenever they are using insecure connections," Google added.

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