Security News > 2021 > July > Crafting a Custom Dictionary for Your Password Policy

One of the components of an effective current password policy makes use of what is known as a custom dictionary that filters out certain words that are not allowed as passwords in the environment.
First, let's consider crafting a custom dictionary for your password policy, including general guidance on how these are created, configured, and how you can easily use custom dictionaries in an active directory environment.
When implemented, the custom dictionary provides a means to filter the chosen password or end-users in such a way as to disallow passwords or variations of the passwords contained in the custom dictionary.
While password policy requirements defined by Active Directory Password Policy are a good starting point, they leave much to be desired when considering the cracking and other password tools that cybercriminals are using today.
There are out-of-the-box password dictionaries and password files that can be freely downloaded as the basis for a custom password dictionary.
Is there an easy way to craft a custom dictionary for your password policy? Specops Password Policy takes the harder work out of implementing custom dictionaries for your password policies and allows for the negation of over 2 billion known breached passwords plus any customized terms like your company name, or location, to be added to a password policy tool.