Security News > 2021 > June > HBO Max emailed a mysterious "Integration Test" to all subscribers

Social media was abuzz tonight after thousands of HBO Max subscribers received strange emails titled "Integration Test Email #1," which was ultimately blamed on a HBO Max intern.
As a test email going out to all HBO Max subscribers wasn't bad enough, HBO Max's Twitter account blamed an intern for the mistakenly sent email blast.
We mistakenly sent out an empty test email to a portion of our HBO Max mailing list this evening.
As HBO Max sent the email via Sendgrid, a popular email marketing platform, it was likely a marketing test that was blasted out to all registered HBO Max accounts by mistake.
Even though the email was harmless, recipients on Twitter had a fun time making lighthearted jests about the HBO Max email.
There are two types of developers, those that have sent "Integration Test Email #1", and those that will send "Integration Test Email #1". - Aaron Patterson June 18, 2021 As a recipient of the Hawaii missile alert, I felt well prepared to field HBO Max Integration Test Email #1. - southpaw June 18, 2021 The difference between HBO Go and HBO Max is that HBO Max includes every season Integration Test Email #1. - Zack Bornstein June 18, 2021.