Security News > 2021 > June > Are your cyber defenses stuck in the sandbox?

As more businesses move their critical data and cybersecurity defenses to the cloud and the volume of network traffic increases substantially, enterprise cybersecurity teams are rethinking their use of sandbox environments.
It's becoming increasingly easier to avoid the sandbox as enterprises generally direct only a sampling of their traffic to the sandbox.
Or threat actors can simply play a numbers game against the organization's infrastructure and sandbox by sending the same messages weeks or months later or pinpoint an organization's rules for sending messages to the sandbox to avoid it.
Finally, threat actors can simply overwhelm the sandbox with increased traffic to make the sandbox extra busy, so it's easier for other malware to avoid detection.
These are just a few of the evasion tactics cybercriminals are deploying to get around sandbox defenses.
Because total cost of ownership to sandbox is high, cybersecurity teams will try to identify which data is suspicious and thus limit the data sent to sandbox to limit the cost.
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