Security News > 2021 > May > Cobalt Iron granted a patent for dynamic authorization control based on conditions and events

Cobalt Iron granted a patent for dynamic authorization control based on conditions and events
2021-05-27 22:45

Cobalt Iron announced that it has been granted a patent on its technology for dynamic authorization control based on conditions and events.

Issued on May 4, U.S. patent #10999290 describes new capabilities for Cobalt Iron Compass, an enterprise SaaS backup platform, that enable the use of analytics and machine learning to adjust user authentication and access to IT resources dynamically based on a variety of environmental and operational considerations.

Cobalt Iron's newly patented techniques reduce security risks by automatically adjusting authorization controls based on conditions, events, project status, etc.

Dynamically modify user authorization control, level, or duration based on the condition or event.

"Existing techniques for authorization control of IT resources are typically static and stale, resulting in security exposures in many of today's enterprise environments. It's impossible for humans to adequately monitor, analyze, and adjust all of the security authorization controls to IT resources that might be impacted by the innumerable changing conditions and events in an enterprise IT environment," said Rob Marett, chief technology officer at Cobalt Iron.

"This patent covers techniques that automatically recognize changes in the environment and dynamically adjust associated authorization controls accordingly. This patent establishes new standards of automation, discipline, and analytics-based responsiveness of authorization control of IT resources."

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