Security News > 2021 > May > Computer Misuse Act: Tell the Home Office infosec needs a public interest defence in law, says CyberUp campaign

Computer Misuse Act: Tell the Home Office infosec needs a public interest defence in law, says CyberUp campaign
2021-05-26 09:17

Businesses operating in the word of infosec have been urged to write to the Home Office and support a public interest defence being added to the Computer Misuse Act.

On a TechUK-organised call to discuss industry's response to the review of the act, British and overseas companies operating in the UK were urged by both the industry body and the Cyberup campaign to tell what they think the law ought to say.

One of Cyberup's suggestions for improving the CMA is a plan to introduce a public interest defence.

"What are the types of acts you think should be made legal?" asked one industry representative from a multinational firm, who also questioned whether the public interest defence proposal would be "Reasonable".

Surely, the rep asked, a public interest defence would end up being "An open ended requirement that would be open to interpretation?".

While public interest defences are very helpful for people doing the right thing, the expense of running one in court, along with the penalties if it doesn't wash with a judge or jury, tend to mean nobody wants to be the test case.

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