Security News > 2021 > May > ReversingLabs Malware Lab: Detect, classify, analyze, and respond to malicious files

ReversingLabs Malware Lab: Detect, classify, analyze, and respond to malicious files
2021-05-20 06:45

Designed to support modern security organizations increasingly delegating malware analysis to specific security operations or development security operations experts, the ReversingLabs Malware Lab solution equips these teams with a unified threat analysis engine and console to rapidly detect, classify, analyze, and respond to malicious files and associated Indicators of Compromise.

"At its heart, all SOC workflows, no matter how automated, require human analysis to provide context and inform their final decision. ReversingLabs Malware Lab is uniquely positioned as a commercial solution to give the highest quality of insight and decision support. Moreover, it is easy to deploy and integrate, while providing the industry's most advanced file analysis and indicator enrichment across a wide span of threat vectors."

A recent ReversingLabs survey of information security professionals reveals that nearly 40 percent of respondents agreed that their organization could improve security with a more formalized threat hunting and malware lab program.

Powered by ReversingLabs Titanium Platform, the ReversingLabs Malware Lab solution offers a unified threat detection and analysis infrastructure that enterprises can quickly implement and integrate across digital business, development, SOC and threat hunting processes.

"ReversingLabs Malware Lab solution is uniquely capable in simplifying processes while helping mature security organizations to automate their analysis activities and quickly unpack binary objects, dissect file contents and extract and map human readable threat indicators that offer better insights to threats, including those in the software supply chain, which in turn helps to better direct appropriate responses."

Unified Threat Analysis Platform: SOC analysts, malware researchers, hunters and application security professionals gain a centralized view and reporting into advanced threat analysis.

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