Security News > 2021 > May > 18 is the new 20: CIS Controls v8 is here!

18 is the new 20: CIS Controls v8 is here!
2021-05-19 08:00

CIS Controls v8 officially defines IG1 as basic cyber hygiene and represents an emerging minimum standard of information security for all enterprises.

CIS Controls Self Assessment Tool - a way for enterprises to conduct, track, and assess their implementation of the CIS Controls over time, and measure implementation against industry peers; CIS CSAT hosted is free for use in a non-commercial capacity.

CIS Risk Assessment Method - helps an enterprise justify investments for reasonable implementation of the CIS Controls, define their acceptable level of risk, prioritize and implement the CIS Controls reasonably, and help demonstrate "Due care".

CIS Controls Mobile Companion Guide - helps enterprises implement the consensus-developed best practices using CIS Controls v8 for phones, tablets, and mobile application.

CIS Controls Cloud Companion Guide - guidance on how to apply the security best practices found in CIS Controls v8 to any cloud environment from the consumer/customer perspective.

CIS Controls v8 and some of these tools and resources are available today! As additional resources are updated, they'll be added to the v8 page, so be sure to watch that space.

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