Security News > 2021 > May > Stalkerware Apps Riddled with Security Bugs

Stalkerware Apps Riddled with Security Bugs
2021-05-18 18:36

Attackers can take advantage of the fact these apps access, gather, store and transmit more information than any other app their victims have installed.

Roid stalkerware apps - used to surreptitiously track people's movements and digital activities - turn out to themselves be rife with security holes that put victims in even danger.

Overall, according to ESET researcher Lukas Stefanko, the apps access, gather, store and transmit more information than any other app their victims have installed.

While the apps store and transmit all that data, they often unfortunately do so without proper data protection, according to ESET. In an investigation, the firm's researchers found more than 150 security issues in 58 Android stalkerware apps.

The most common issue that researchers identified was insecure transmission of victim and stalker personally identifiable info, found in 22 of the analyzed stalkerware apps.

"Sensitive victim and/or stalker information was transmitted from victim devices to the stalkerware servers over the unencrypted HTTP protocol and was not further protected," according to the report.

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