Security News > 2021 > May > It’s Time to Prepare for a Rise in Insider Threats

It’s Time to Prepare for a Rise in Insider Threats
2021-05-18 16:01

A survey from the Ponemon Institute recently found that insider threats increased by 47 percent from 2018 to 2020.

The cost of insider threat incidents also rose by 31 percent from $8.76 to $11.45 million during the same time period.

Much of the time, insider threats include malicious external users who have gained access to legitimate credentials and are, as a result, able to get inside the organization.

A more common form of insider threat comes from careless employee mistakes, such as choosing to circumvent specified security procedures, leading to bad decisions like storing sensitive data on unsecured personal devices for convenience while working from home, as well as falling victim to phishing schemes.

All of this has made shielding data from insider threats even more complex and has proven that reactive security tools and strategies built for a prior era cannot keep pace with today's dynamic business environment.

Disparate security tools are hard to manage and create blind spots that waste time and money and lead to inconsistent results that will undoubtedly affect a security program's speed and accuracy.

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