Security News > 2021 > April > Vivaldi update unleashes the 'Cookie Crumbler' to simply block any services asking for consent (sites may break)

Vivaldi update unleashes the 'Cookie Crumbler' to simply block any services asking for consent (sites may break)
2021-04-29 12:26

The latest release of Chromium-based browser Vivaldi has extended ad blocking to handle cookie warning dialogs and sent a shot across the bows of Google's ad technology, FLoC. That first bit will appeal to anyone tired of the cookie dialogs and banners that have popped up in websites as a result of regulation.

Vivaldi's take is to add cookie warnings to its ad blocking sources.

Once enabled, the "Cookie Crumbler" simply blocks the service asking for consent or hides the dialog.

It is also not enabled by default - handy, because we came across a few websites that took great exception to a lack of cookie consent.

Vivaldi noted as much: "Some sites may not let you in at all and may not work as you expect them to as they actually require cookie consent for some functionality."

The new version also makes good on the company's threat to block Google's Federated Learning of Cohorts component, which is Mountain View's take on ad personalisation in a post-third-party cookie world.

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