Security News > 2021 > April > Japan accuses Chinese military of cyber-attacks on its space agency

Japan accuses Chinese military of cyber-attacks on its space agency
2021-04-21 03:30

Japan has accused a member of the Chinese Communist Party of conducting cyber-attacks on its space agency and 200 other local entities.

Tokyo's Metropolitan Police yesterday said they've filed a case against a Chinese national who they said works for a state-owned telco and, while living in Japan, rented servers to attack the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency in 2016.

The individual, and another Chinese national believed to have visited Japan as an exchange student, are thought to have conducted up to 200 more attacks on Japanese companies over the following two years.

Japan has learned from the attacks and they will inform future countermeasures, the minister said.

Japan's government is also involved in responses, he added.

China's foreign ministry first said it was not aware of Japan's allegations, then reportedly later accused Japan of "Throwing mud" at China and suggested that's not appropriate behavior.

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